Privacy Policy


Operational from: May 25th, 2018 

Review date: May 24th, 2019 

The use of ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ pertains to Powdertech Bicester Ltd.
Opt-out and unsubscribe are used interchangeably. 


Powdertech Surface Science (PSS) needs to gather and use contact information on individuals it encounters in the course of its business, in order to:

To run a successful business
Uphold our duty of care to our employees
Provide expertise to our customers 

This does not affect our obligations regarding user privacy and data protection. We maintain that: 

  • User privacy and data protection are human rights

  • We have a duty of care to the people whose data we hold

  • Data is a liability, it should only be collected and processed when necessary

  • We will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute or make public your personal information

This extends to customers, suppliers, business contacts, employees and other people the organisation has a relationship with or may need to contact. 

This policy describes how this personal data is collected, handled and stored to meet the company’s data protection standards and to comply with the Data Protection Act 1988 and its successor The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). 


All data acquired by, stored by and used by PSS is purely for the continuance of business. Individual customer information is retained only for business use and contains only business information. No personal information that is not required outside of business transactions is held. 

Employee details are acquired as part of the employment process and include home address, next of kin, contact numbers and other such information as is required to comply with relevant law appertaining to employment. 


Data in the form of purchase orders, sales orders and general correspondence is held locally and emails are hosted by our data partner. Our partner has a double secure storage system where data is encrypted and split between 2 locations so that whole messages are not accessible. 

Local information is not held on individual desktops, it is accessed from and stored on a server based on the premises. This data can’t be accessed away from PSS. 

Data is backed up daily and copies stored off-site.
The server is located away from the main factory and office environment and is protected by firewall and security software and a UPS back up. Access to computers is by password only with 3-monthly change and no record of passwords is kept. 

We regularly meet with our data partner to review security. 


Powdertech does not use Google Analytics to monitor traffic to our web site 

We subscribe to Lead Forensics to identify fixed IP address visitors (visits from desktop computers) but have no identification of visitors from mobile or tablet devices. 

We maintain a list of customers and suppliers on Sage accounting systems and the information stored is received as part of normal commercial transactions. 

For sales and marketing purposes we store information on a Capsule database. This database is password protected and accessible only by named and authorised personnel whilst on company premises. 

We do not buy mailing lists and all data stored is as a result of customer enquiries that generate quotations and subsequent commercial correspondence. 

Twitter & Instagram are separate to our computer database and no information is transferred from one to the other or stored by Powdertech.

On all correspondence we provide the opportunity to sign up or opt out of emails. However, we assume that if you contact us requesting information, quotation or something to do with our business that we can contact you back without your permission. 


The information stored by PSS is only used in the pursuit of legitimate business. We send out regular information “e-shots” via our email marketing provider Mail Chimp. Mail Chimp has a strict policy adhering to GDPR which you can read here ……. 

If you opt-out after any Mail Chimp mailshot, then you are automatically deleted from any further mailshots. 


When we are contacted directly it is assumed that our reply can be sent without seeking consent. When we are contacted via our web site, your data will not be added to our database unless a positive opt in is received.


The PSS website may include links to other sites, not owned or managed by us. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy of information collected by websites not managed by us.


We respect your right to be forgotten. If you opt-out/unsubscribe, you will be deleted from our CRM database. You can always opt back in later. The exception to this is if we hold contractual information containing records of financial transactions, product guarantees or project correspondence. This information is held on our Sage financial system and our Capsule system and email records. This can’t be deleted for either the period of the guarantee (up to 40-years) or the financial records (up to 7-years). Your record will be marked “opt out” to prevent unsolicited marketing communication. 


You can request access to any information we hold about you by contacting us.  


If we believe that our data has been breached with the potential loss of identifiable data, then we will inform out 3rd party processors within 72 hours.

Powdertech Surface Science